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02/08/12 01:29 AM (12 years ago)

Help needed - Quizz app

Hi every one, I am planning for a free quizz application for students. main features which I suggest - 1. the database should be separate from application. 2. The database should be editable from PC/android - to add more question (so let it be simple like excel or so) 3. From the application, user should be able to navigate to microSD card to choose the database. ONCE and application is selected, 4. Application should have opton - (a) lean mode (b) test mode. 4. Under lean/study mode -options (a)show questions in serial order (b) random order 5. Each question should have 4 or 5 (user defined - while making database) number of responses. 6. menubar should have option for hint! (answer clue) 7. After selection answer (a) in study mode - let it highlight the answer, and a new button for explanation which will take to another page. (b) in test mode - after the response, let it take to next question. 8. While in random order - application should have sorting option*. (user should have an option to sort questions to easy/medium/hard) And application should short it based on the ease. 7.In test mode, number of correct response at last (and an option to review - where it is like the replay - but will give a button for explanation with each answer).] 8. And when we restart the application - is should ask - should we start from beginning or from where we started. anyone who is willing to work on this, please make it free!.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/08/12 06:00 AM (12 years ago)
Morning and welcome to the greatest little, no wait, that intro is for the meeting at the docks tonight. If you have a look on the Facebook page, forum and so on you'll find a plethora of posts and comment about Quiz apps, very popular indeed and many folks on here have made revision / test / quiz apps for schools and so on. Couple of things, sign up for the early adopter program and get on v1.5 a lot more horses under the bonnet. Many of the things you are asking for can be very easily done your self. You can have many different quiz options, quiz for test, quiz for lean, you can integrate GameCenter with rewards, all of these things have tutorials in the forum and again are not too taxing to implement. SO... Have a peek around, play with the platform, kick the tyres and see what you think. Have a look at some of the getting started Vids and tutorials as well. Have fun!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/08/12 04:42 PM (12 years ago)
As someone who is constructing a science app for high school students, I understand your desire to integrate mobile technology with learning. I have had good success trialing differnt structures with students and they have the following feedback that may help your app 1) keep questions simple and to the point - Long questions feel like a trick on a smartphone. 2) questions inserial order do not help them learn - they just learn the quiz not the subject. I was surprised how many students said this by thus I will always randomise questions. 3) leaderboards or integration with things such as gamescentre is a definate plus (Macapple has great experience on Games centre - to help with guidance) 4) Dont make it as dull as some of the textbooks - add sounds, animations ect 5) Give prize to student who is at top of leaderboard periodically For me what I have leaned is apps are about the platform, and smartphones need succinct fun quizzes. I feel that once you have constructed one check it out with some students and many of the parameters that you have set will change Hope my experiences help Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/08/12 05:11 PM (12 years ago)
Good info!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/08/12 05:41 PM (12 years ago)
@MacApple -Thanks my celtic brother from another mother. I have just took up Freds challange of converting app from iOS to blackberry, to win a playbook. (apparently any app submitted before 13th Feb has chance of winning playbook). Fred has spurred me onto stepping onto another OS platform and finally doing app in Android, @sbhoopesh - I meant to say become an early adopter - I think you will find 1.5 much more flexible to intergrate some of your key requirements in the future.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/08/12 06:19 PM (12 years ago)
Playbook? Cool, what's the first prize? I jest of course, they are quality pieces of hardware, spent a Friday night with one once. We both had fun. Off to find his post. Fred that is, not the Playbook.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/10/12 06:39 AM (12 years ago)
I think First Prize is dinner with MacApple. Fred
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/10/12 07:54 AM (12 years ago)
lol - just downloading eclipse and doing first project, Fred you don't want haggis What Android version do I choice for this blackbeery project PS A playbook has to be better than my cheap android tablet, I bought it early on and you tap the screen, have a shave, tile Macapple kitchen, put the tea on and wait for this tablet to respond.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/10/12 08:24 AM (12 years ago)
Finally decide upon my app for BB PB Is guess I'll create it with BTv2.0 I probably create one with BTv1.5 & BTv1.4 alongside to see what's the differences, problems & solutions will be. Marko are you using BTv2.0? If not send me and email. Fred
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/10/12 08:26 AM (12 years ago)
Hi fred just post on myskilla blog using BT 1.5. Cant find your email address on blog. I have concluded you are really secret service and its 00Fred This is what I put on blog Hi Fred its marko from BT I am struggling with getting project ofg the ground I have 1-Installed eclipe on mac 2- Dowload android sdk 3-download BT app – buildmycareer for android 4- create project -used google level 8 under src folder has red x, open loads of warning sign but jwo red x’s under screen map java and screen item java PS when I click on about email screen goes all funny Great Blog site
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/10/12 08:27 AM (12 years ago)
I'll have nothing bad said about haggis! OK, maybe not.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/10/12 08:29 AM (12 years ago)
I'm sorry but it's Bond, James Bond. Funny how he had Bond in his name twice. My email is Fred @MySkylla .com Fred
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/10/12 08:30 AM (12 years ago)
I have never seen a scotlander eat haggis, its a ploy for tourist. In your pseudo haggis for natives it aberdeen angus beef, for tourist its steptoe and son horse Hercules. As someone who was in inverness and given this my haggis looked nothing like my hosts. Its a mini weapon of mass destruction Hows the non smoking going.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/10/12 08:47 AM (12 years ago)
Steptoe and Son, what a program. Still a non-smoker, v tough last night and today. Believe it or not their is a company in Texas that has won awards for its, wait for it, vegetarian haggis.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: May 04, 2011
UK, Alcester
02/10/12 09:14 AM (12 years ago)
Keep at the non smoking, I have lost at least one crease on the Buzztouch belly, it give me a smug smile when I pass fast food restaurants. Just think how smug you can be to smoking friends when the comment on your healthy glow. Vegetarian Haggis, next you will be telling me that Sarah Palin has joined the Save the Whale campaign Been using Hype to develop a hip and happening web site if you get a chance have a look at www.scratchurapp.com and give us your honest view, its still being built, I like format but not sure if too gimmicky- your opinion always valued.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/10/12 09:23 AM (12 years ago)
Will take a peek when I get back to he manor. Good stuff. Not enough hours in day, weekend ahead though!

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