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Reg: Jan 26, 2012
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02/08/12 10:50 AM (12 years ago)

Screens not connecting?

Hi All, I'm just getting my feet wet with Buzztouch Server (I have made a couple of apps previously with the regular 1.4 version online) and am running into an issue where the home screen is blank. There are screens and actions that I've set up, but somehow they just don't show after I download and compile the app. Here are some specifics on my setup. - Screens are created first and then referenced in the Layout tab. So far I have just a few test items, a couple of web links and a simple menu screen. None of the different types appear. - This is happening in both tabbed and non-tabbed layouts. In the tabbed layout, at least the tabs and names show up, but otherwise the app appears blank. - I'm running Buzztouch Server 2.1.6 - I'm running Xcode 4.2.1 on Lion, and targeting the apps to the latest iOS 5.0 Hopefully it's something simple I'm missing between doing stuff online and now trying to use the updated version on my own system. Any help or suggestions appreciated! David
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Jan 26, 2012
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02/08/12 01:24 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Fred, I'm not using Eclipse but Xcode (for the moment I'm just concentrating on the iOS side). But regardless of the environment, should I need to add images to the code that server gives for Xcode? It should already be in there, as the app icon itself shows up. Regardless, I don't think that's the issue. It's not that my menu is missing images, it's that it's missing data. I basically have a blank app, even though from what I can tell I have everything set up correctly. I may be missing something, but for right now it's definitely more than just an image issue.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 5
Reg: Jan 26, 2012
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02/08/12 01:43 PM (12 years ago)
Actually, I think I got it now. I hadn't dragged the BT_Plugins folder into Xcode. It's in now, and things are working!
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/08/12 02:59 PM (12 years ago)
synthetik, I'm not iOS, so dragging the plugin into Eclipse doesn't happen. If you can explain. We just put the plugin into the sever, adf images to Eclipse and we're good to go. Fred

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