Veteran developer
Posts: 183
Reg: May 19, 2011
10/27/15 01:36 PM (8 years ago)

Archive submission failed with errors: (unable to validate your application)

I've submitted multiple apps to the app store with out any issues in the past. Did exactly what I always do but am receiving the error below. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! http://talgracefeeds.com/FilesTwo/Screen%20Shot%202015-10-27%20at%204.18.59%20PM.png
Aspiring developer
Posts: 118
Reg: Feb 01, 2013
New York
10/27/15 02:04 PM (8 years ago)
Hi, I just encountered the same issue earlier today and I resolved it using Application Loader. Workaround Steps Using the Application Loader: 1. After validating, export your build as a file(Save for iOS App Store Deployment) 2. Go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader 3. In Application Loader log in to your account 4. Select and upload the .ipa file you just exported Hope this helps.

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