Aspiring developer
Posts: 41
Reg: Jun 29, 2015
10/13/15 04:31 PM (8 years ago)

Admob interstitial for iOS

Hey All, I'm having a problem with adding Admob interstitials to an iOS project. I had a friend help me but he doesn't have any experience with Buzztouch so I'm wondering if he installed the code in the wrong place but the interstitials seem to be opening every time I open a new screen - which is completely degrading the user experience as they are having to dismiss an ad every time they click on the next screen! He has installed the majority of the code in the BT_viewController.m file, but I don't think that's right!??! I'm not sure how often an interstitial should show but if I put it in the bt_screen_customHTML file does this mean every time they open a bt_screen_customHTML file it's going to open an interstitial? Probably better than on every menu screen as well as the HTML pages but is that too much too? Thanks in advance! Rob
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
10/13/15 05:57 PM (8 years ago)
Yes you can move it to specific plugins and have it only open when a screen is using that plugin. You can also specify which screen it shows on specifically by checking the screen item id or screen nickname
Aspiring developer
Posts: 41
Reg: Jun 29, 2015
10/13/15 07:53 PM (8 years ago)
Thanks CMCOFFEE, but what do you mean by "You can also specify which screen it shows on specifically by checking the screen item id or screen nickname"? Are you talking about the 'show advertising' option at the bottom of each page of the plugin?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
10/13/15 07:59 PM (8 years ago)
You would put an if statement to check the screen id matches the screen id or screen name matches current screen name, or you could check if advertising is set to yes. do the check in the viewDidLoad function. check out this post
Aspiring developer
Posts: 41
Reg: Jun 29, 2015
10/13/15 09:22 PM (8 years ago)
Great, thanks for that! So effectively I can leave it where it is as long as I put the extra lines of code in to tell it when to turn off. So for example if I want to turn off adds for all BT_screen_customHTML pages, I would just add; if([self.screenData.itemType isEqualToString:@"BT_screen_customHTML" ]){ //no idea what to put here?!?! } And where would I put it in relation to the other Admob code? Thanks again for your help on this!!

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