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Aspiring developer
Posts: 81
Reg: Jan 21, 2013
01/06/14 09:13 PM (10 years ago)

Post Mortem on Marketing My App

I thought I’d share some of my experiences marketing my JFK in Dallas 50 app, which was approved by iTunes approximately two months before the Nov. 22 anniversary of the JFK assassination. Getting the app published was no small victory, but I knew raising awareness through PR and marketing would be critical. Here are some of the steps that I took with varying degrees of success: • Created a simple website: http://www.jfktourdallas.com • Created a short YouTube video using fiverr.com. YouTube scores well with search engines, particularly Google. Within days, this clip was scoring tops in Google searches using keywords related to Dallas and JFK. I was also able to post this video to my website. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNvKqD8W27Y • Spent $15 to promote the video on YouTube. This resulted in more than 1,500 views of the video YouTube. • Created a news release and distributed it via a paid press release distribution site. Because my app was related to an approaching news event, I figured this would help raise awareness for it. The press release distribution also resulted in more than 130 links to my website, which boosted its search engine performance. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/jfk-in-dallas-50-smartphone-app-provides-interactive-guide-to-vanishing-sites-key-players-events-surrounding-kennedy-assassination-229871601.html • I had an opportunity to write an essay for Yahoo News. The piece was featured on the main news page for 24 hours and resulted in an astounding 600,000 page views, although sadly only a tiny fraction of those views followed through to download the app. This was the single best piece of marketing that I accomplished. http://news.yahoo.com/fifty-years-jfk-assassination-dallas-oswalds-murder-remains-170700210.html • Created a Yelp page – simply another piece of content for people to find in searches. http://www.yelp.com/biz/jfk-in-dallas-vanishing-history-tour-app-dallas • Created a Facebook page. Again, another piece of content for people to find. https://www.facebook.com/jfkindallas?ref=hl In hindsight, I think the app would have done better if I had been able to get iTunes approval during the summer travel season. However, I’m pleased with the performance – approximately 1,200 downloads so far from around the world. I expect interest in the JFK assassination in Dallas will remain high for the remainder of the year. I’ve pasted some promo codes below if anyone would like to take a look at the app. Here's a link: https://itunes.apple.com/app/jfk-in-dallas-50/id694762432?mt=8. Please leave feedback on iTunes if you do. Thanks… 7WKTFT364PKH W77TL3WXNNNL HLEFAY3RHRJ3 69EPANALJW4K NW9Y6JRML7Y7 PTPLPA3RAYNJ PJWEH4EH9WLY XKYJWH7X74FK AW3YWAPFTENN Y7777W9WKNYT
Lost but trying
Posts: 574
Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
01/06/14 09:54 PM (10 years ago)
@MrT What type of deal were you able to get on fiverr for your youtube video?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 81
Reg: Jan 21, 2013
01/07/14 08:42 AM (10 years ago)
Regarding fiverr.com, I used a vendor who goes by "videopromo1". She was in Albania and there was a language gap, but I came away with a useable video after two attempts. Total cost was $10.
Lost but trying
Posts: 49
Reg: Nov 16, 2012
New York
01/13/14 12:24 PM (10 years ago)
Hi, nice app, how were you able to increase the size of the icons in the Menu with Image plugin?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 81
Reg: Jan 21, 2013
01/13/14 04:31 PM (10 years ago)
@HelperDev...I didn't use "menu with image"; I used the BTA Design Menu, which allows you to manipulate the size of the icons pretty easily.

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