Discussion Forums  >  App Store Approvals, Thank You's

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I hate code!
Posts: 1
Reg: Dec 23, 2013
12/23/13 11:09 PM (10 years ago)

Most difficult Zuma game for iPad, have fun with your family!

The most difficult Zuma game for iPad,Zuma Space Travel is launched at this long-awaited great holiday season. The distinguishing advantages of Zuma Space Travel are its different magical game props comparing to other similar Zuma games. Players won’t feel boring and tired since its extremely gaming richness and difficulty. Every elaborately made game, NO MATTER big or small, will need get continuously improved and surely never reach the perfect state. Nevertheless, we are moving forward to reach this goal all the time!We love developing and improving games as much as we love the great fun the games themselves brought! Now we need the various and honest specific suggestions and advice on this Zuma Space Travel. We would like to know how you feel at playing this Zuma game and your opinions about this game's strengths and weaknesses. Other advice on this game is also greatly welcomed. Thank you again! Christmas time is here. Don’t forget to hang up the sock!
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
12/24/13 07:05 AM (10 years ago)
This is mainly a forum for people making apps with Buzztouch. You're more likely to get the feedback you need on a site that's more focused on playing and testing games.

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