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Lost but trying
Posts: 4
Reg: Nov 19, 2012
Cape Town, Sout...
11/19/12 08:48 AM (11 years ago)

Directional GPS trigger App

I am trying to create an app which triggers an action when a geographic point is passed. I wish to have Control over proximity- ie I wish the trigger to operate only when the device approaches within say 50m of the trigger GPS location. Control over frequency- ie I don't want the app to trigger at a particular point more frequently than once every 300secs Control over direction- ie I only want the app to trigger if approached from a particular compass direction, ie if I set the app up as NE direction I only want it to trigger if heading is from 0degrees to 90 degrees, app set up as South should trigger if approach heading is 135 degrees to 225 degrees. Any smart ideas out there.
Veteran developer
Posts: 176
Reg: Jun 20, 2012
11/19/12 09:41 AM (11 years ago)
That's quite an app. I don't think that BT hosted has the kind of capability. The only possible way you could do that is to go self hosted. I don't even know if self hosted has that kind of capability. This would mean some serious coding. You are (kind of) looking for a feature like reminders - at a location.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
11/19/12 11:15 AM (11 years ago)
Check this out...probably exactly what you're looking for: https://geoloqi.com/ Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 4
Reg: Nov 19, 2012
Cape Town, Sout...
11/19/12 11:06 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks Mark, It certainly does sort out problem 1- the proximity trigger, I will have to investigate more deeply to see if it can solve problem 2 - the frequency or trigger delay to stop unintended repeats and problem 3 - the directional trigger.

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