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I hate code!
Posts: 1
Reg: Oct 19, 2012
10/19/12 12:56 PM (11 years ago)

mobile apps vs mobile web pages...

So I wanted to make my friend an app using this template... http://codecanyon.net/item/bandapp/262124?WT.ac=search_thumb&WT.seg_1=search_thumb&WT.z_author=dc_duo However, it is just for IOS... Could I use buzztouch to build an app with custom HTML to match the features of the App above and then submit to all the stores? -- Or will it get rejected because it's not a real app... Thanks for clearing this up, Chris Donahue
Mr stuck
Android Fan
Posts: 974
Reg: Apr 09, 2012
Fife, Scotland
10/19/12 02:40 PM (11 years ago)
Yep. No reason you couldn't knock together a similar style app for android using buzztouch. There are location maps you can use for gig map or perhaps call a batchgeo map and update dynamically. You can call music files via url links on a button menu etc. Basically just start putting it together as best as you can and if you hit a roadblock then post in the forum and there will be lots people on had to offer you advice. Anything created with buzztouch is an app. And should get into all app stores with a little help from this forum if you hit any problems being accepted to apple app store. Good luck
Android Fan
Posts: 1260
Reg: Feb 01, 2012
Miraj, India
10/19/12 08:04 PM (11 years ago)
I agree with @Mr Stuck. You can create a similar app not only for android but also for ios using buzztouch. There should be no problem for getting your app approved on google play but the conditions are a little bit stringent for ios approval. And it would be best if you use AT53 videoplayer plugin both for playing video and audio files. also you can include an image gallery in your app to give some native features to your app. All the best.!!

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