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Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
09/21/12 07:51 AM (11 years ago)

attn: MGoBlue

many thanks for all the great tutorials and tips. Your posts/insight have eased the learning curve for me a ton. but..... GO IRISH!!!!!! Could not get a ticket, instead I'll be at the NU/SD game until @ 6ish and then racing home from Evanston to catch the kickoff. this should be a good one!
Apple Fan
Posts: 980
Reg: Jun 07, 2011
Gold River, CA
09/21/12 09:27 AM (11 years ago)
Looking forward to it. I watched last year's game last night - they were running it on the Big 10 Network. Always a great game. When I was in school, I think at least three games were decided on field goal kicks with time running out. GO BLUE!!!! On another note, I have a new iPhone 5 to play with today. UPS driver said I was the first delivery on his route.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
09/23/12 07:52 AM (11 years ago)
I was still expecting Denard to pull off a late miracle to make it interesting. 6 TO's and only 13 points. Thank you DEFENSE. Cannot wait for next week, got my tix to see the resumption of the Catholics vs Convicts in 22 years at Soldir Field. It'll take a few years for that rivalry to re-heat, but good for both schools. Ann Arbor next year. Lets get some tix and go! Been about 12 years since I was at the Big House for a game. Incredible place to experience a game. I bet those Manti photos look good on the new toy, great game for the kid. Think NFL for him?
Apple Fan
Posts: 980
Reg: Jun 07, 2011
Gold River, CA
09/23/12 08:17 AM (11 years ago)
Man, that was a tough one to watch. I was hoping for last minute heroics too, but NDs defense played great. Glad they only scored 13. Could have been much worse. At least our D hung in there. Manti made the D for ND. Seems like a great kid. Pretty resilient with everything he's been through. I'm thinking the ND game next year would be great too. I haven't been in a couple years now. Last one was the 67-65 triple overtime win over Illinois in 2010.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
09/25/12 11:10 AM (11 years ago)
Looks like next year will be the last chance for a while. For sure have to go now! "Notre Dame's football series with Michigan will end after the 2014 season. The Fighting Irish have opted out of their contract, according to reports Tuesday, for scheduled games in 2015 through 2017" WEAK. This is one of my top games every season! I know they didn't play in the 50, 60' and 70's, but this is a GREAT rivalry that goes back to the very orgins of College Football. BOO!!!
Apple Fan
Posts: 980
Reg: Jun 07, 2011
Gold River, CA
09/25/12 11:18 AM (11 years ago)
I so agree. Was just reading about that. Ok, I think I really need to focus on getting there next year now too.

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