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Apple Fan
Posts: 157
Reg: Sep 05, 2011
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10/31/12 09:24 AM (11 years ago)

Question and help on the online app....

I have read the guide on online and offline apps and I completely understand it now.... My question is that I don't mind sending an update to apple and waiting for an approval of my app... I want to make my app offline because of the reason that I may want to test out new features etc. for my app. I don't want to follow the steps of changing my data url to avoid updates for that period of time and I think that it would honestly put me off to see my app changing unexpectedly.... After reading this please give me your opinion as to whether or not I should put my app offline considering that I don't mind sending an update to apple(as I might have to change the name of my app slightly as well), and also that I don't want to go with the unexpected through the cloud update of my app.... Thank you
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1528
Reg: Mar 04, 2011
10/31/12 10:01 AM (11 years ago)
It just depends on how much you think you'll need to update you app. For me, I make all my apps offline, mostly because the majority of my apps are developed for clients, and I don't want to be able to make changes without a full update through apple. There are definitely plusses and minuses to both sides.
Apple Fan
Posts: 157
Reg: Sep 05, 2011
location unknow...
10/31/12 11:07 AM (11 years ago)
Thank you... I will need to update my app quite a bit so I guess that I'll put it offline.. Incase you know it or anybody else too, totally off topic, I followed the guide to changing my v1.5 app to a v2.0 app and I've reached up to the last stage and I have changed the mac64bit problem to run it on the iOS simulator but it doesn't run.. I think it's because my project name in the right panel under identity is still my old app name but it doesn't allow me to change it to the new app name.. it says “newappname.xcodeproj” couldn’t be moved to “oldappname_v15_iOS” because an item with the same name already exists. To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or delete the existing file, and try again." I'm not sure what to do please help...

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