Discussion Forums  >  WebViews and HTML for Mobile

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Code is Art
Posts: 206
Reg: Oct 28, 2012
12/10/12 03:08 AM (11 years ago)

How to access cached files or local storage in Webview

Hi fellow Buzztouchers, I need to access files cached by my app or saved to local storage from a webview running an html doc saved in the assets folder. Since the files I need to access need to be cached and/or downloaded daily, I can't just put them inside the assets folder since it is not writeable later on. so two question: 1) how to cache or store a file from a web url to my device through java code (or even html) 2) how to access the cached file or locally stored file from inside an html doc stored in the assets folder (either with javascript or html itself) This is the most important part in my app so help is greatly appreciated! Thanks

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