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Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
08/20/16 12:25 PM (7 years ago)

Menu Simple with small tweak Plugin Request

I was scrolling through all the plugins and i was surprised that i couldn't find a menu that met my needs. All i need is the Simple Menu plugin but where i can add categories/headings. Think like the phone app on iphone. it would have the heading A then all your A friends, then B with all your B friends and so on. The 'checklist' feature has it all (as a menu), if i could remove the 'checklist' part lol has anyone created something similar they wish to release as a plugin?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/25/16 09:13 AM (7 years ago)
I don't have the checklist menu, but if you can determine the actual 'check' object name, you can try setting the 'visible' property to false, either on the xib/layout.xml, or programatically. Hope this can help. Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
08/25/16 12:43 PM (7 years ago)
Hi Smug, thanks for taking the time to respond. Sounds like a good idea, but ideally i would want it to perform like a menu so pressing the items would open another page. so its a mix of the 2. the checklist 'look' but simple menu 'performance' Thanks Steve

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