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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2
Reg: Oct 15, 2014
08/24/16 06:14 PM (7 years ago)

Menu Image Rows Plugin Scrolls Very Jerky

I've had this plugin installed on my app for over a year now. When it was first launched, it worked great. Now the Menu Image Rows pages are really jerky when I try to scroll them, like it's having trouble loading the images. The images are loaded externally and have all been run through tinypng. Now sure what to do to solve this problem which has suddenly started happening
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/25/16 06:52 AM (7 years ago)
If you can, create a demo and have the images within the app. same behavior? Then try the images on a 'different' server. same behavior? Does your server provide other services, like a WebServer? How does that perform? It could end up being a couple of things... and this is by no means a 'complete' list... 1) Your app is wildly popular, and the server resources are put to task trying to keep up with the demand. 2) Your server used to do only a few things, but now it's doing many things, and things slowed down. 3) Your internet connection stinks. Everyone else has no problem. (Fingers crossed that this is it) 4) Some a-hole is trying a DDOS attack of some kind. The basic troubleshooting mantra is 'I didn't change anything. what could have changed...?' And all things being equal, either app use is way up, or server resources are way down. If you don't run your own server, perhaps your hosting provider is overloaded? Is your server bandwidth limited or metered in any way? A friend of mine recently discovered that although his contract is 'unlimited' the fine print states that after a certain amount of traffic, his connection is 'throttled' in speed, slowing it way down. Again, not sure what it could be; details are kinda sparse. But that should narrow things down a little... Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2
Reg: Oct 15, 2014
08/25/16 07:14 AM (7 years ago)
Thanks Smug! I'll give your first suggestion a try to have the images within the app. I run a web development company and we've got complete control over the server with excellent load times....with the ability to limit and meter our own clients, so this hosted account shouldn't be experiencing that - but will look into it nonetheless. The app isn't wildly popular and my internet connection is excellent, and other people are experiencing the problem, so I can cross a few of your items off the list. Thanks SO much for the feedback and I'll be in touch with hopefully some helpful feedback once I do a little more work to sort this out~ Best, Katie
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/25/16 07:48 AM (7 years ago)
Keep us updated. Odd problem, that others may experience sooner or later... Cheers! -- Smug

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