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Aspiring developer
Posts: 705
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
06/27/16 02:33 PM (8 years ago)

Geomoby crash

Hello I am trying to figure something out. I integrated geofence plugin using geomoby and when the app opens it crashes immediately. Has anyone had this issue? How do you fix it?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/27/16 08:19 PM (8 years ago)
Not sure; I don't have the plugin. I do my own geofencing in code. Not that hard 'once' you understand that whole 'region' thing. I did it using beacons entering or leaving an area, but the same rules can be applied for a device. This isn't a solution, but a nice overview of what it is, what it does, and how it does it: https://spin.atomicobject.com/2015/07/16/geofencing-ios-objectivec/ That said, what does the log say when it crashes? Does it have an initial location for the device? Mine would do strange things if the GPS wasn't feeding data... Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 705
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
06/28/16 03:51 AM (8 years ago)
it says When using beacons dont you need some kind of device set up? 2016-06-27 15:06:00.962 happyhour[3229:1221946] start geo 2016-06-27 15:06:00.967 happyhour[3229:1221946] -[GM_SDK setBusiness_key:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1008be830 2016-06-27 15:06:00.968 happyhour[3229:1221946] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[GM_SDK setBusiness_key:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1008be830' *** First throw call stack: (0x180dd6db0 0x18043bf80 0x180dddc4c 0x180ddabec 0x180cd8c5c 0x10009ee90 0x1000a0228 0x10009eb30 0x10008ec30 0x185faa9c0 0x1861da184 0x1861de5f0 0x1861db764 0x1827777ac 0x182777618 0x1827779c8 0x180d8d09c 0x180d8cb30 0x180d8a830 0x180cb4c50 0x185fa394c 0x185f9e088 0x1000385fc 0x1808528b8) libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/28/16 04:28 AM (8 years ago)
Well, that 'unrecognized selector' usually means it is trying to fire off a method that used to work and for some reason currently does not. You'd need to check that line (GM_SDK setBusiness_key) and see what the offending part is... Try setting your target to a version or two back (iOS6, 7 maybe) and see if that 'fixes' it. It may just need an update. Otherwise, you may have to troubleshoot the plugin further. I setup my beacons to just work with the iBeacon specs, so no additional hardware or software (other than what comes with iOS) was needed, and you can switch beacon manufacturers. As long as they adhere to iBeacon specs, who cares. But for what you're doing, it's not even beacon stuff, so much as it is 'core location' stuff, which applies to a lot of different (location based) technologies. What you'll end up doing is setting up a 'region' (a geopoint, and a distance radius around that point) and the device can detect entering or leaving the region, and fire an alert, a method, an email, or whatever... When using beacons, the user device picks up the beacon signal and ensures it matches a preset pattern/ID. If it does then it has the option of doing many different things. For geocoordinates, it's sort of the same thing, only no beacon. Beacons work great inside. They're not needed outside due to GPS availability. But the concepts still apply; you decide on a point, and a circular area around that point as a 'region. If you 'have' to have a rectangle, what you'll want to do is make a bunch of smaller circular regions, to create a larger 'overall' shape (up to 20 regions detected simultaneously although you can have more). So, in my case, the beacon would be the center of the region, and detection of the beacon would tell the device that we were entering the region. In your case, perhaps a geopoint for a scenic view, a monument, a nightclub, whatever... Cheers! -- Smug Do you have a 'business key' ?
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 805
Reg: Jun 16, 2011
Southern Califo...
06/28/16 12:45 PM (8 years ago)
@feraco. I sent you a pm. Somewhat related. :)
Tony @ Buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 528
Reg: Mar 05, 2011
Saint Louis, Mi...
06/28/16 03:46 PM (8 years ago)
Hey feraco, Chris with GeoMoby is a great dude. Drop him a line.... BTW, he developed the software so you are going to the source. Chris Email = [email protected] Tony Buzztouch, Inc.

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