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09/28/15 05:25 PM (8 years ago)

http vs. https for Config Data URL?

I just downloaded the BT project files 5 Buzztouch apps to get working on iOS updates. 4 out of 5 worked great. 1 had a "There was a problem downloading some data" error. My log said "App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure." After some poking around, I found that my 4 apps that work all have a Config Data URL that starts with "https", and my 1 app that doesn't work has a Config Data URL that starts with "http". Same thing with my Report to Cloud URL. I was about to stick an "s" in the Config Data URL in my BT control panel (I know the difference between the two), but this app is live, and I'm scared of breaking it (user would launch the app, get an updated Config Data URL, and say that doesn't work for some reason, now they can't get any new config file). Here's what I intend to try: - update Config Data URL and Report to Cloud URL in the BT_Config.txt file in my Xcode project to "https" - launch app in simulator - if it loads, the https link must be okay, so I can change it in the Core section of my BT control panel and it won't break the live app I'm posting this for a couple of reasons: - I don't know why only 1 of my 5 apps would have an http data URL and the others would be https - I don't know if I'm right to be scared of breaking my user's apps if I change the URLs in the BT control panel - I don't know if my experiment described above is sound Normally I'm not afraid to make a change, but in the Core screen...feels like working without a net.
Code is Art
Posts: 431
Reg: Dec 25, 2010
Brisbane, Austr...
09/28/15 07:23 PM (8 years ago)
did this once on the core and the published app stop working :-( best to do an app update with the https added.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/28/15 09:57 PM (8 years ago)
I think your strategy is solid. The newly added NSAppTransportSecurity flags in the BT_info.plist file are required with iOS 9. Major issue causing all sorts of frowns with iOS devs everywhere. In fact, look for my next post, was just about to write it. You'll see a visual example of how INSANE this all is. Anyway, add the "s" to your dataURL's and be sure the project you have in the App Store has the additional entries in the .plist. New downloads from your contrl panel should include these automatically. Note: I'm guessing the "s" was "missing" in one of your apps because it was made a very long time ago? In the earlier days of BT we did not automatically use the https:// for dataURL's, just http://. It could be an older app that's been using the original dataURL since it's birth. Have a look at my next post - for fun.
Apple Fan
Posts: 105
Reg: Feb 08, 2012
11/03/15 09:44 AM (8 years ago)
Hi I had the same issue, and I fixed it by adding "s" to my dataURL's. Regards

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