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Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/25/12 07:09 AM (11 years ago)

Custom Map Pin whit image.

Hi Every one. This image is when the map screen has loaded all things is fine. When I ONLY tap, the callout works great together whit the small image https://dl.dropbox.com/u/83876419/Bt/icegream_callout1.png Here what happen when I tap and hold the Red pin shows up. And my ice-cream image disappears. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/83876419/Bt/icecream_callout2.png I need some help whit this. Has anyone done this before?
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/26/12 04:00 AM (11 years ago)
Hmm...I have NOT heard this before. Maybe do a search in the map.m file and see if there's a reference to the red map pin somewhere? Search for "red" to start. I'm not sure what's causing the icon to change. Are you literally holding the pin down with your finger (the ice cream cone) and doing nothing else, then it changes? Or, are you tapping, holding, then dragging or something. Maybe as detailed description as you can provide to produce the issue would help. not sure about this, very strange.
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/26/12 07:19 AM (11 years ago)
That is correct. When I tap on the "ice cream" and holding it in, the ice cream disappears and the red pin comes up. Is so strange! I have search the hole project if I have miss something. But I can not find anything wrong. I commented out several lines just to see why the red pin comes up.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/26/12 07:40 AM (11 years ago)
Dumb question, how do you see the red pin appear if your finger is on the Ice Cream cone? Not trying to be difficult, just trying to make sure you're literally holding your finger down when the graphic shows. Also, buzztouch v1.4, 1.5, or 2.0?
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/26/12 07:52 AM (11 years ago)
When it has changed to red pin, it is there all the time. Ice cream icon is not coming back. BT v1.5. If I'm not mistaken, did not you make custom maps in your app that you hade release about a year ago?
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/27/12 10:32 PM (11 years ago)
I've done all sorts of things with maps, some amazingly complicated. LOL. I'm still unsure about EXACTLY what's happening when you "hold your finger" on the map pin. I realize that once it changes it stays red. What I'm unsure about is what happens when you tap and hold the pin and literally not move your finger. Does the pin switch from Ice Cream Cone to Red Pin without moving your finger at all? Or, does it switch when you let up, move, or otherwise make a gesture. Super strange but there must be an answer somewhere.
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/28/12 01:31 AM (11 years ago)
Hi David Here you have a movie clip of whats happend https://dl.dropbox.com/u/83876419/Bt/Magic_ice_cream.mov If I tap and hold it down i change to the red pin. if I only tap once its ok. I hope you see all at the movie clip.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/28/12 01:47 AM (11 years ago)
Awesome video. I see exactly what you mean. Because there are so many different things this could be...kindly email me... a) the BT_screen_map.m file you're using. b) The ice cream image your're using. c) A copy of the JSON data if you have it. If it's coming from a URL, send the URL so I can see it. The data should not matter but why not include it if it's easy. I'll get a look and see what I can come up with. I'm afraid our timezones are different but we can get through this :-) Send to: david 'at' buzztouch.com
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/28/12 02:20 AM (11 years ago)
The mail is send!

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