Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
09/20/12 07:01 AM (11 years ago)

Allow GPS plugin - why or when ?

I have included the Allow GPS plugin to my app, which uses Googlemaps, with driving instructions on my destination pin. The app works regardless of whether Location Reports are allowed or not allowed (or Allow/Disallow GPS Access on Android). So I cannot figure out what difference this plugin makes! The readme says "This displays a screen that allows a user to prevent their device from reporting it's location to the app. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO INCLUDE THIS SCREEN IF THE APP USES LOCATION INFORMATION. ALWAYS HONOR END-USER REQUESTS TO NOT REPORT THEIR LOCATION." Could anyone explain what this means in simple terms or if it is relevant to what I am doing please?

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