Lost but trying
Posts: 5
Reg: Oct 09, 2012
08/02/15 10:37 AM (9 years ago)

Looking for some pointers for a stuck beginner!

So, I want to create a directory app. The user will choose a category, the closest places to the user are returned as a list with distances, choose a place of interest from the list, brings up more details about the location and finally a button to then give driving directions. Using Smugs location menu, I can retrieve the locations from the external database (ideally I would like the query to bring back the 20 closest for speed, but no idea how to do this!) With Smugs location menu, I can use the loadscreenobject to go directly to driving directions, but I would like to display more information on the place to the user first. What I am stuck with is: 1. How would I modify my query to only bring back say the nearest 20 locations, does anyone have any example php I could look at? 2. When the json code is returned with the child objects to load the next screen, what plugin should I use that can be used to display more information on the place (picture, description, web address etc) 3. Once I get to the screen above, how to I add a button for driving directions? Assistance and pointers, suggestions, greatly appreciated. Any links or examples to help me learn would be great. In my mind, what I am trying to do is simple but having spent several days trying to figure things out, I really do need some assistance. Thanks
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
08/02/15 02:23 PM (9 years ago)
For item #2, I am biased towards using the Cubbyholes plugin. Your JSON data can specify the details of the Cubbyholes screen. The layout of items on the screen is flexible, just use your design skills. For item #3, specify a street address or a URL to the place on Apple Maps or Google Maps. Then the corresponding Map app will launch for the driving directions. -- Niraj
Lost but trying
Posts: 5
Reg: Oct 09, 2012
08/02/15 07:26 PM (9 years ago)
Thanks for the quick reply Niraj - I will get on it now. Many thanks, much needed help. Any thoughts for Android?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
08/02/15 08:34 PM (9 years ago)
Avoid Android at all costs :-) Hahahaha
Lost but trying
Posts: 5
Reg: Oct 09, 2012
08/27/15 10:06 PM (9 years ago)
Does anyone have any suggestions that will work on both android and ios? Is there anyone willing to assist with this app (obviously with payment) Thanks, I am just going around in circles right now!

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