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Susan Diaz
Veteran developer
Posts: 4
Reg: Jun 15, 2015
New York
06/15/15 11:43 PM (9 years ago)

Is google app indexing works for android games also?

Someone asked me about is Google's App Indexing latest update and new features works for Android games? Because She didn't understand exactly how it's works, obviously its news but if it's work for games, there is one more piece in this puzzle game about ASO and driving installs, she had to cover. I've already made few apps with the search engine friendly concepts, get to know forward your enquiry here: http://www.agileinfoways.com/enquiry/ Google's App Indexing works for any apps including games. To enable App Indexing: 1) Enable App Indexing in your mobile app. 2) Prepare the website content that corresponds to your app. 3) Verify your setup. After you complete these steps, you'll be able to see how your links are performing in Google Search results by extracting the referrer information that Google attaches to your links. You can also check for errors in your Android app using Search Console. Technical requirements for Google's App Indexing of Android apps: - Developed on apps with a minsdkVersion no higher than 17. - Available on searches using the Google app version 2.8+, and Chrome for Android 4.1+. - Available for signed-in users. Reference: https://developers.google.com/app-indexing Read more: http://www.agileinfoways.com/technical-expertise/mobile-applications-development/android-application-development/

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