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I hate code!
Posts: 269
Reg: Aug 08, 2012
08/30/15 03:06 AM (8 years ago)

What's Happening?

Where are the new plugins? Basically, give me something to look forward to or something to inspire me with. I don't want to dismiss the plugins that have been put out but it's been like two plugins in the last six months. Is the plugin marketplace not that viable? What is the deal? I've been a member for three years now, I watched barely any plugins being produced, to a bunch of plugins being produced - to now, a very serious lag in the market. I realize that a lot of things are being done behind the scenes and I get that whole process. How is BTGo or the design more important than the actual product? Ugh...sorry for my frustrations but it's the name of the game.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
08/30/15 02:32 PM (8 years ago)
I think you won't see many responses as I suspect most of us are in the same position - we don't really know either.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/30/15 05:25 PM (8 years ago)
For me at least, I usually create a plugin out of necessity for one of my projects, then wrap it up into plugin form for the market, so my releases usually depend on how much coding I'm doing at the time, which tends to go in waves. I notice other plugin developers seem to release in waves as well, possibly for the same reason. Another possible reason is simply the lack of ideas. The current plugin market has most functionality available that I can think of, so releasing a new plugin would require an idea for a plugin that hasn't been addressed yet. I'm happy to look into creating something if you have an idea or desired functionality that's not already covered. I'm not the BEST coder, but know enough about creating plugins to be dangerous. ;) On a side note, I have an idea for a plugin that should be fairly simple, but requires adding one of Yahoo's API's, and adding third party sdk' usually prove to cause issues for me, so if anyone wants to help with that, contact me and we'll work something out. ;)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
08/31/15 06:18 AM (8 years ago)
any chance of a loyalty plugin like the android one for ios Ninja :)
I hate code!
Posts: 269
Reg: Aug 08, 2012
08/31/15 11:18 PM (8 years ago)
Thanks ninja - Do you think there's enough incentive for people to build plugins in the market? Does it bring in an Ok amount of money? It's one of those things where if it's rewarding, monetarily, people would want to build and sell plugins. Something is telling me, from the big lull in the market, that it's just not worth it. And if that's the case, I would hope that BT could figure out a way to make it worthwhile. Feel free to correct me if I'm off here.
I hate code!
Posts: 269
Reg: Aug 08, 2012
08/31/15 11:29 PM (8 years ago)
I have a few ideas for apps. This one is a simple graph: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Screen%20Shot%202015-08-31%20at%2011.17.44%20PM.png?_subject_uid=232959071&w=AACWZbLNc3YOVAc8JA56IfnbBYqadvPo0Cqr5I-KoGwgCQ This one is a water counter (it would also be nice to be able to exchange out the graphics so it could be multifunctional and used for say a kid's counting app etc, etc): https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Screen%20Shot%202015-08-31%20at%2011.18.38%20PM.png?_subject_uid=232959071&w=AACd5c9CzrHcfGi1pDzP1KKABkCwKRIj8paPLRP3JjSgbA The last idea is a list plugin where you could tap an item on the list and it would be added to a favorites screen.
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
09/06/15 01:49 PM (8 years ago)
Hi, Becky. Except for a few developers, there isn't a lot of money being made on the plugin market. I am doing the same thing as Angry Ninja--when I develop something for an app that is generally useful I wrap it up as a plugin.

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