Aspiring developer
Posts: 808
Reg: Dec 24, 2011
great neck
02/03/17 03:45 PM (8 years ago)

Message I've never seen after successful submission to app store

Submitted an app, successfully to app store according to Xcode. Get an email later: The following build has completed processing: Platform: iOS App Name: PEDS OPH Build Number: 2 Version Number: 2 App SKU: SDKAPPS_APP002 App Apple ID: 500954396 You can now use this build for TestFlight testing or submit it to the App Store. I don't understand. I submitted it already and it was accepted as per Xcode. What am I supposed to do now? Thanks.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 808
Reg: Dec 24, 2011
great neck
02/03/17 04:55 PM (8 years ago)
So I went into iTunesConnnect and saw they wanted another screen shot. Put it in, picked the build I submitted and then choose to submit. Now get this message: Invalid sdk value. The value provided for the sdk portion of LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS in is 10.3 which is greater than the maximum allowed value of 10.2. Yet, just 2 days ago, I submitted another app with the same version of Xcode, which is a beta version of the latest version, and all was accepted. Don't understand.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 808
Reg: Dec 24, 2011
great neck
02/03/17 05:15 PM (8 years ago)
OK, for those of you who come across this error, this is how I fixed it. Had to use a non beta version of Xcode, even though it can't be used to test the app on devices that run the latest version of iOS. Only the beta version can run the latest iOS version. Crazy. Anyway created the archive and submitted it. But it wouldn't allow the submission because there was already a build with the same number submitted, the one that didn't get accepted. So I changed the build number, resubmitted, chose this new build in iTunesConnect and told iTunesConnect to submit it, which it did successfully. Still don't understand how the app I submitted just two days ago went through without a hitch, unless Apple has changed things in the last two days.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/06/17 08:36 AM (8 years ago)
Hi Steve, I don't think what you originally posted is an error...I get that each time I upload a binary to iTunes Connect. I think what it means is that it was processed so that you could select it as a build before submitting to iTunes, or before using in Test Flight. There may be other things you still need to do, like adding extra images, before you can submit, wouldn't be able to select a build until you get the above message. Thanks! Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 808
Reg: Dec 24, 2011
great neck
02/06/17 07:01 PM (8 years ago)
Mark, Yea, you're right. I figured that out later. Seems to be a different way than before where I just uploaded and it immediately picked the build. Just Apple being Apple.

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