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Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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09/12/13 06:35 PM (11 years ago)

iOS 7 and Buzztouch

Hi All, I have been testing iOS 7 on Buzztouch Apps, and have found that apps compiled under Xcode 4.6.3 work fine. From a user interface standpoint, they are a hybrid between iOS 6 and iOS 7, they have the iOS 7 Email, Message, AlertView, Status Bar, and Default Image fades into the home screen. Also, the arrows at the end of menus are updated to the new, whiter, User Interface. Apps compiled under Xcode 5 work fine, as I have seen no major bugs or crashes. The only problems relate to the user interface. The Navigation Bar is tinted white. The Tab Bar is tinted white with blue icon highlights. The menus configured in the rounded style display the background image or color, however, the pixels that are around the rounded corners remain white. Overall, these issues are relatively minor. You can find my Status Bar Fix Here: http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=DFA81246954F64711804A8F If you notice any Bugs, Crashes, or User Interface issues that I have left out of this post, please comment below. Jake
Aspiring developer
Posts: 247
Reg: Oct 23, 2010
Southern Califo...
09/12/13 11:49 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the tab bar solution. Thanks, Adam

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