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Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 05:39 PM (9 years ago)

iOS App submission is rejected as using Game Centre Leaderboards and Achievements but has not submitted for review

My app has been rejected by Apple for 4 times due to the message they sent: "Your app is using Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements but you have not submitted the them for review." My app uses Game Centre for Multiplayer mode, however, it does not have any leaderboards or achievements feature, game centre is simply enabled for multiplayer. Under my app there is no leaderboards or achievements is selected. The only selected game centre option is "Multiplayer compatibility". In apple's reject email says if I don't use leaderboards or achievements I can turn off game centre, however, as the game need Game Centre for multiplayer, I believe I cannot turn it off. Under app's "Game Centre" tab in iTunnesConnect, I do have created some leaderboards and achievements, but those are for future updates which is not yet ready in this release. I didn't link those items with my app's submission as the above screenshot indicated. As it is getting very close to the app's launch date, it is getting critical. Please advice how can I fix this issue "your app is using Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements but you have not submitted the them for review." Thank you very much!
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 05:50 PM (9 years ago)
Let me get this straight. 1. You registered on Buzztouch today, yes? 2. You posted this request on Stackoverflow yesterday ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29663112/ios-app-submission-is-rejected-as-using-game-centre-leaderboards-and-achievement ) 3. You want us to help with a non-BT app, that is close to launch, without stopping by and at least saying hello? Not saying you have to bring chocolates or flowers or anything. Just checking buddy. Good luck with the app, these teething troubles can be a real pain.
Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 05:54 PM (9 years ago)
Oh, sorry, I should fix my attitude. Hello all, I'm new here, I just registered today. I came to this place when I was searching for the answer through Google, I find a similar question was asked before but it was not answered. I am really sorry if my question is inappropriate.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 05:56 PM (9 years ago)
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 05:57 PM (9 years ago)
In other news.... Save the snow leopards. Pakistan's snow leopards: Both feared and sought http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-30540629
Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 06:02 PM (9 years ago)
Thank you for the reply MacApple, I have read those links. However, my question is a bit different: While those posts are for "Link leaderboards and achievements while submitting the app for review when use Game Centre" my question is "I use Game Centre but I don't use Leaderboards and achievements. I only use Game Centre for multiplay" In Apple's reject email they say "We still found that your app is using Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements but you have not submitted the them for review. " Thank you, Regards, Zhan
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 06:13 PM (9 years ago)
1. What happens in multiplayer if it doesn't have achievements and Leaderboards right now? 2. Apple is expecting something to be submitted, you either haven't turned it off correctly or you just have to go ahead and submit them. 3. You just cut and pasted this request from another site remember, there is no screenshot! No comment on the snow leopards? You don't like them?
Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 06:20 PM (9 years ago)
Hi MacApple, I actually open the snow leopards link, I thought you were posted accidentally. It is a shame that this kind of animal is facing the risk of extinct. Back to your question: 1. What happens in multiplayer if doesn't have achievements and Leaderboards right now? Answer: It just find other players online, and then start the game. It does not need any leaderboard or achievement support. 2. Apple is expecting something to be submitted, you either haven't turned it off correctly or you just have to go ahead and submit them. Answer: I cannot turn Game Centre off, otherwise the app may not able to run multiplay mode, as multiplay mode uses Game centre to find other online players. And I don't have any leaderboards or achievements, I have nothing to submit for them for review. 3. You just cut and paster this request from another site, there is no screenshot!! Answer: Yes, I was tended to attach the screenshots but I couldn't find how.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 06:32 PM (9 years ago)
The answer is in question number 1. I'll wager. I always thought that to have Game Center running you had to have either Achievements or Leaderboards set up. If Game Center is enabled it needs something for it to be 'Game Center' and as the error says you are not providing it. If there are no medals in the Olympics why have them? Games, medals, olympics, achievements, Game Center, geddit? You are so right about the snow leopards. It isn't just them though: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/32319210/extreme-hunter-has-no-regrets-after-killing-a-giraffe
Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 06:34 PM (9 years ago)
Thanks MacApple, I may start developing some simple achievements even it was not planned. The good news it it is not too difficult to add those features.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 06:36 PM (9 years ago)
Jump off and try that, i'll bet you my grans secret jam recipe that's what it is. No comment on the giraffe? You not like giraffes?
Zhan Zhang
I hate code!
Posts: 7
Reg: Apr 15, 2015
04/15/15 06:40 PM (9 years ago)
I saw giraffes couples of times in the zoo. Lucky them don't need to worry about Apple's heartbreaking review process.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
04/15/15 06:41 PM (9 years ago)
Brilliant! Your reply made me laugh out loud for real. Go and add those simple achievements and or leaderboards and all will be well. It's not all bad news re: animals. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-32319773 Sydney is it? So you aint up late, just getting to lunch, yes? So, to keep the animal thread going, you guys treat koalas better than we treat people! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-32283439 Ps Bring flowers the next time! Pps What got you started on the animals kick? Stop it already.

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