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Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/08/15 10:07 PM (9 years ago)

BT classes do all the hard work for you

Ive used some BT classes but I just barely started digging into these not to long ago. What was I thinking?!( I wasnt ha).Well I should say the methods of these classes are whats extremely helpful. They wouldve of save me alot of time on plugins and customer work. BT_color.java BT_database.java BT_application.java BT_fragment.java BT_device.java BT_downloader.java BT_fileManager.java BT_imageLoader.java BT_item.java BT_user.java BT_strings.java BT_application.java yourAppName_appDelegate.java All of the Bt_gcm classes are cool too ------------------------------------------------ heres an example: Say you want to have persistent storage of values from variables stored in your app so you can retrieve them when the user opens the app again. So for example the BT_fileManager.java file has cool methods to do this for whatever plugin you want. BT_fileManager.saveTextFileToCache("cool string value to save", "myStringFileName.txt"); Of course you would probably use String variables instead of hardcoding it but you get the point. This isnt probably the most popular way but it gets the job done! Theres also shared preferences methods in BT_strings.java, if you want to go that route instead. ------------------------------------------------ Also Chris1 posted about the iOS classes awhile back: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=3BF5388F780AD4245049EE7&command=isSearching&currentPage=3&topicTitle=&createdBy=chris1&repliedBy=&minViews=-1&maxViews=-1&minReplies=-1&maxReplies=-1&forumCategory= ------------------------------------------- Knowledge of object oriented programming will really help you alot with understanding this. Attending David Book's "Code Crush" class will get you there Im sure. Thanks David!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/09/15 12:58 AM (9 years ago)
Yeah, when I first started my first plugin, "Smug Message Location" I was beating my head against the wall with CLLocationManager. When I discovered that David already put that kind of ability into the app core, I started to do various searches through the code when I needed something different... and sure enough, a LOT of it is already done for you. Thanks for bringing some more of this to light; and remember, Android got the same treatment. Hundreds of little things already done for you, if you know where to look. Bottom line is, people are going to need to browse through the header files to see what has already been done. But things are sooooo much simpler once you know they're there. Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/09/15 11:31 PM (9 years ago)
Way to resurrect that old post! love it. There's definitely some good gems in the core. There's also a post buried somewhere in here where some of us shared our CodeBox libraries. That contains a whole other set of gems worth exploring. Bottom line - don't spend too long trying to figure out how to do something when someone else has probably already solved it and shared it! :)
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/11/15 04:49 PM (9 years ago)
Smug, yep I just figured out how to use that library Chris, your post is what gave me the idea to look in bt android core files. Ill have to look up those CodeBox libraries too.thanks again!
Fingers Crossed
Veteran developer
Posts: 234
Reg: Jan 16, 2012
Simcoe, ON
02/15/15 04:12 PM (9 years ago)

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