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Veteran developer
Posts: 6
Reg: Dec 19, 2011
12/24/16 10:17 AM (8 years ago)

Self Hosted vs. Buzztouch Account App

Are the self hosted and non self hosted apps create the same app? After spending all night with errors and searching on google to find solutions that corrected one error and created more errors. I searched through the forum and found a suggestion to try creating an app within the buzztouch account. I created a new app on BT, downloaded, and this app compiled on the first try without any errors. Am I missing something? Shouldn't I be able to download apps I create on the self hosted the same way as on BT and not get all these errors. Is there a update that I am missing? Thanks in advance.
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
12/24/16 12:19 PM (8 years ago)
I would definitely use Buzztouch.com to make your app. That way you get the SSL built in. Apple will be rejected apps that aren't SSL next year, so anyone self-hosting will need to serve up https instead of http.
Veteran developer
Posts: 6
Reg: Dec 19, 2011
12/24/16 02:58 PM (8 years ago)
Thanks for your reply Susan. I guess my questions is why doesn't the self hosted provide the exact same options (i.e. Download formatted for Android Studio) has the Self Hosted just been abandoned and is no longer being developed? The reason I ask is because I need the ability to create more than just 50 apps. This is the reason I have the self hosted solution. So far it does not seem like the file that is being created by the self hosted version of BT is compatible with the current version of Android Studio. The last tutorial for BT and Android Studio was done over a year ago and we all know how fast Google and Android make changes. Seems the BT has been version 3.0 for at least over a year now.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
12/24/16 10:56 PM (8 years ago)
Android Studio seems like it has updates every week. The self hosted is not as up to date, but as mentioned in other recent posts, the updates are coming very soon. It's not really that outdated, just a couple of easy deprecations that are easy to fix. There are posts out there that show fixes for this. Really you just have to paste code from buzztouch hosted to your self hosted projects. I think I posted it somewhere, I'll look around. If you're targeting higher versions of android there will deprecated code in both. It's just code that "get" and "post" to servers. I've posted code to do that as well, but there's libraries also. I mostly use squares libraries for android: http://square.github.io/ Even though I've been doing this for about 2.5 years I still google the "errors" and look at a lot of posts until I figure out. I've actually made my own fixes for the little deprecated code that android does have, but haven't felt the need to post, since there will updates soon. I will though if everyone really needs it, but it will be after the holidays most likely.
Veteran developer
Posts: 6
Reg: Dec 19, 2011
12/25/16 01:46 AM (8 years ago)
CMCOFFEE, Thanks for your response. I will try the copy/paste from the hosted to the self hosted if you get hold of the post where you show which items need to get updated from this hosted I will be forever grateful to you. For now I will get both codes in two different Android Studio sessions and hack away to get the self hosted to work. Also it will be helpful to see your fixes at your convenience and after the holidays. Again Thanks. Torian
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
12/28/16 03:35 PM (8 years ago)
@TWallace Tried to PM you but you havent wnabked it in your account. Can you mail me your seld hosted zio download and possibly your BT VERSION ZIP DOWNLOAD. I WANT TO HAVE A LOOK AT Something. Excuse the caps. Damn keyboard app
Veteran developer
Posts: 6
Reg: Dec 19, 2011
12/29/16 06:46 AM (8 years ago)
@Kaybee...I just sent You A PM. Please check. Thanks.

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