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Aspiring developer
Posts: 841
Reg: Nov 03, 2010
Medford, MA
10/08/15 01:34 PM (8 years ago)

My newest gripe with Apple

Several years ago I formed an LLC as a front for the apps I was selling... partly to remain anonymous, partly for perceived legal protection. Anyway, a few months ago I formed a new LLC in a new state that covers not just apps but several other projects/products. To keep consistent with that and my new website I wanted to change the company name on my developer account. In order to do this IApple made me create a new developer account, pay the extra $99, and "transfer" my apps over. This transfer process can take 1-2 days. One of my apps, which is a protocol apps for the Massachusetts statewide EMS protocols, is due to be updated next week. Two of the apps transferred immediately, two didn't. I figured it might take a day, but still no transfer. I have called Apple twice now and they say that two of the apps (including the one that needs to be updated) got "stuck". Although still live on the app store they are apparently "corrupted" and they can NOT be updated. They told me engineers need to manually inspect the app. It has been 6 days now and I can not get any sort of time frame for when this will be finished. And there is nothing I can do about this... Josh
Calypso Kid
Aspiring developer
Posts: 780
Reg: Mar 09, 2012
Upstate New Yor...
10/08/15 03:50 PM (8 years ago)
Welcome to the machine called Apple!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
10/08/15 09:01 PM (8 years ago)
It literally took me a year to get my LLC registered with Apple... I live in Guam, which is a part of the US. But my 'DUNS' number was issued out of Australia, the regional office. Trying to get Apple and DUNS to get on the same page took months. The two week turn around? Every single damn time, it wouldn't work. And I'd call. and They'd walk me through it. And the results took two weeks. And it would come back rejected. and I'd call. And they'd walk me through it... Finally, at the end of my rope, they assigned me someone who could actually effect change. I hope to heaven that you don't get strung along that badly. Now that things are 'done', it's smooth. And the app transfers didn't take but about 2 days or so... But for the longest time it was an effort in futility. I love the product, absolutely abhor the company. Good Luck, and you're not alone; we all have lovely things to say about Apple Corporate. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 636
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
10/09/15 01:05 PM (8 years ago)
I've been debating a LLC myself, cant decide if its worth it or not? Seems if someone wants to sue you a LLC doesnt help like people think, at least from what I've been able to come up with.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
10/09/15 02:48 PM (8 years ago)
Well, I use my LLC as sort of a 'protected' sole proprietorship (it's single managed). If the LLC gets sued, I won't lose my house. There is more, you can read it here: https://www.sba.gov/content/limited-liability-company-llc Everyone has different needs; yours could be different. :) Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 636
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
10/10/15 03:19 PM (8 years ago)
Yep but unless its setup correctly its still not safe. Heres a good additional site to help http://www.elizabethpottsweinstein.com/llc-protect/

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