Apple Fan
Posts: 30
Reg: Jun 21, 2012
Taylorville, IL
02/09/16 01:13 PM (9 years ago)

Custom URL - Pagination stopped working

We are using a custom url to display a webpage that loads one image of a series and displays navigation at the bottom for First, Next, Previous, and Last. The page loads absolutely fine in the native android browser and also in the emulators. In the app it brings you to the top of the page when you click any of the pagination buttons. Everything was working just fine until a couple of weeks ago. Any ideas?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/09/16 02:08 PM (9 years ago)
Howdy, There's an issue with Android that has cropped up recently. Another user also reported a problem with the CustomURL plugin, where his screen would not scroll all the way through the content. Android made an update to the WebView lately. David Book is working on a fix and updates to the Android code in general. But I wouldn't expect a fix for maybe a couple weeks. Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 30
Reg: Jun 21, 2012
Taylorville, IL
02/09/16 02:22 PM (9 years ago)
Okay. Was thinking we might use Smugs PDF Viewer, but we would need to call it from a custom url. Is that possible?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/09/16 02:25 PM (9 years ago)
I'm not intimately familiar with his plugin, but I suspect it has the option, like many plugins, to get information from either the content on the app or from a URL. There is also the "PDF Doc" plugin that comes with Buzztouch that allows you to download a PDF from a URL. Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 30
Reg: Jun 21, 2012
Taylorville, IL
02/09/16 02:28 PM (9 years ago)
Yeah - We are actually looking to prevent just that. We want them to view it, but not be able to download it. In our iPhone app, we just link directly to the PDF we host. In the android version we are using a website to display PNG versions of the pages because android natively downloads PDF's rather than displaying them in the browser. Thanks for your comments!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/09/16 04:10 PM (9 years ago)
Just FYI, the 'SmugPDF' plugin isn't going to make you happy if you're using a compressed PDF. The library it uses for display sometimes 'misses' things when the file is compressed. I've been hunting for a better solution, but at this moment, it hasn't presented itself in a way I can exploit. It can (or if it can't, it's not hard to fix) display PDFs from either the bundle or URL. Just make sure if you use a URL your file doesn't take forever to load. The big difference between my plugin, and the BT plugin, is that the BT plugin requires the 'end user' to already have installed a PDF reader on their device, and the plugin 'hands off' the request to the users 3rd party PDF reader. My plugin is similar, except that I encapsulated a 'light' reader with the plugin, so that the user need not worry about additional steps, and the PDF will load in the screen. It launches a new activity, but it 'keeps inside' the BT app so that no heavy navigation is needed to get back to the app. But again, the 'PDFViewer.jar' library is a bit weak, and some things look great, other things have issues. The inconsistency of performance was the main reason I took it off the market, until I could find a 'better way'. If you already own it, try it. If not, you might wish to put your own together. I got the code from here: Cheers! -- Smug

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