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Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/11/17 07:04 AM (7 years ago)

Self Hosted JSON Error

Anyone else seeing this today when trying to view JSON on an app via their self hosted control panel? "An error ocurred in running the fnExecuteNonQuery() method in utilityFunctions.php (6)"
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
02/14/17 02:33 PM (7 years ago)
I thought I'd see if my self hosted was affected so I checked it today. It seems the three patch files (which I updated individually on my setup) work OK, which implies it isn't a universal problem. I am running a recent version of php. For what it's worth, about 6 months ago I upgraded my hosting to a VPS and back then I had to do a clean install of the self hosted to get it to work.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
02/16/17 12:50 AM (7 years ago)
"when trying to view JSON on an app" Presumably this is when you use the "show configuration data" option. The screen that shows all the JSON for a particular app. The fnExecuteNonQuery() method is a simple helper mechanism to execute a query against the mySQL database that does not return a result. Example: insert a new row. Update a row. This is different than a SELECT type of query that returns an array of results. Showing the JSON data for an app loads the bt_v15/bt_app/bt_configData.php file. This files does not call the fnExecuteNonQuery() method - anywhere. However, if you look at about line 10 or so you'll see where the code does: $thisUser -> fnUpdateLastRequest($guid); This means "hey logged in user, update yourself" (all the pages in the control panel call this method). This method itself uses fnExecuteNonQuery(). Sigh...hard to follow I know. Bottom line, fnExecuteNonQuery() is a method call that executes a query against the database that does not return any results. Either a) The query it's executing is invalid or b) The database it's connecting to isn't available. Can't think of any other explanation.

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