Discussion Forums  >  Capturing Images, Uploading Data

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Code is Art
Posts: 33
Reg: Apr 04, 2012
location unknow...
07/26/13 01:13 PM (11 years ago)

User-generated calendar/note data

I am looking to build something that let's a user create a timeline with information about date/time/location that will be saved for them individually within the app. I know that notepad can do this but I would like for the data to display as more of a simple menu layout. Any ideas about how to do this for a seasoned beginner? Also, if I had to keep it in Notepad, is there a way to create multiple notes accessible from a simple menu layout with titles more like the native iOS notepad? ...also (last thing I promise) can you pre-format note content?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
07/26/13 05:59 PM (11 years ago)
Pretty much 'yes' to all of this, with the caveat that it would probably need to be a custom plugin for the functionality. Snoop around github and find something 'close' and you might be able to modify it for BT use. For the 'preformatting' part, yes again. Check in the BT_viewControllerManager for the code relating to 'email with screen data'. You can duplicate and modify those to do your bidding; the SmugMsgLoc uses pre-populated email and SMS message fields to provide 'pre-designated' message body and subject lines. Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 33
Reg: Apr 04, 2012
location unknow...
07/27/13 02:54 AM (11 years ago)
Thank you, Smug. Will try this out.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
07/30/13 10:38 PM (11 years ago)
You may find something on http://www.CocoaControls.com Then customize to your needs by hiring Chris1 or Kittsy. Of course, doing the modifications yourself will teach you life-lessons! :-) -- Niraj

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