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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
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08/02/15 08:20 AM (9 years ago)

What project are you working on this week?

Ahh...the dog days of summer are upon us. Great time for traveling, bbq, enjoying the outdoors - and in my personal case, retreating quickly to the ac-filled room and working on a few projects. [Side note, I fry up like a sun-dried tomato after 15 minutes]. But enuf of that Tom Foolery. What are you working on this week? Just curious - I have a few things in the hopper (neither of which will be completed any time soon), but I was curios what my fellow BTers were up to in August. I'll start: 1) still wrapping my head around android, looking to surprise my friend with a 'hey man - I app'd ya' app for fun. Just a random collection of nonsense. Once it's live, if he's the only one who downloads it, that's cool. 2) I have been playing around with a reskin (swift code) app from codecanyon for ios. Should be fun for a few when launched... which, at this stage looks like early 2016. How about you?
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
08/02/15 10:10 AM (9 years ago)
Cool Aquila! Lucky friend, "Hey, I made an App for ya!" LOL! I'm with you 100%, small room with a MacBook Pro is how I spend my summers, fortunately and unfortunately, lol! But work is never work when you're having fun, right? I'm working on a brand new Control Panel from scratch, one that is super easy to understand for my clients. Completely custom, from the ground up. No more *screens or layouts*, just "features", clean layout, no more "how do I update my app?" questions, you just login and do it. Live preview of your app on the right side, because, why not? 60% done, about 40% left to do.... enough to be live. http://goo.gl/8G5jdn http://goo.gl/NJhtrE Finished the admin section, app statistics, a few other features, panel profiles, etc. Clients are already using it and LOVE IT, and I've transitioned most of them away from the BT Control Panel and moved their apps onto my new custom Control Panel. I've done so much, but still much to do.. we don't give David half the credit he deserves, my panel is nothing compared to his, yet I've spent months on it. Anyways, this is what's been my *project* for this week, month, and next few months... :) Thanks for letting us share. David.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
08/02/15 10:17 AM (9 years ago)
very cool! Those screen shots look amazing as well! looks like there's some heavy lifting involved with all of that - awesome stuff Mr. D!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
08/02/15 02:27 PM (9 years ago)
Aquila -- Very nice idea to surprise a friend! DVB -- The new Control Panel looks awesome! Love the idea of showing the Live Preview in the Control Panel! Is it still BT code on the mobiles?
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/02/15 04:54 PM (9 years ago)
Finished adding HealthKit and Apple Watch capabilities to some existing apps, waiting on the public release of Xcode 7 (not beta) and WatchOS 2.0 before I can finish some of the problems I was having combining HealthKit And Watchkit to work together. The new Xcode 7 will allow some things with HealthKit and Watchkit that currently are not allowed in Xcode 6.4. Just finished an update to my app "Universal Orlando Tour Guide", which I've been working on since January, but at least I had to take a field trip to Florida to get accurate photos and related stuff in the update (thanks IRS!). On top of that, working on a new app for a medical marijuana caregiver (approval issues? We'll see, lol), and I have to completely Re-skin a game that I made last year to meat some special conditions that Apple gave me upon first rejection, but no rush on that. It's been a year and I still haven't had time to do it, lol.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
08/02/15 05:00 PM (9 years ago)
@ninjamaster Thanks for the update on the apple watch. That'll be cool to see what's rolled out. Universal is awesome. That Harry Potter Dragon's Ally is sweet.. they definitely know how to sucker in a visitor to purchase 'the wand that was meant for you.' lol.. very cool to keep up with the latest haunts over there. Good luck on approval w/the caregiver. Looks like August will be a busy one for you!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/03/15 02:51 AM (9 years ago)
Finished up the Korean, Chinese, Japanese and English version of the 'Flores Museum' app, and waiting on proofreaders to give me the ok for publishing. Finished with my Beacon App; now I'm finishing up the PHP/MySQL Backend required to get it all running smoothly. (Non-BT) Double Checking Wiring charts to install GPS monitors on a fleet of vehicles. They transmit Engine Information as well as Location, Speed, direction, etc... once per minute via SMS or Cell Data. This is my entry into the 'Fleet Management' niche market. Fooling around with various technologies, just to see what's cool, and what's worth further looks... Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 315
Reg: Sep 10, 2011
08/03/15 09:03 AM (9 years ago)
Great Projects! Lots a creativity flowing in the Buzztouch World. This week I hope to complete the updates on a couple of apps that have been in the store a while. Finish the graphic elements and continue gathering geo points for a Travel App featuring Nashville using plugins for maps, photos, games, Database and video. Buzztouch, this forum and the plugin market have provided hours of entertainment and days of frustration. Thank you community for making it possible. Mike
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
08/03/15 03:53 PM (9 years ago)
Smug that Beacon app sounds awesome! Rock on with the fleet management too! Very cool Mike - that will be useful for out-of-towners heading to Nashville.

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