Discussion Forums  >  iOS / Android Beta Testers

Replies: 4    Views: 278

I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Nov 15, 2011
Rio de Janeiro
08/01/13 11:56 AM (11 years ago)

iOS 7 Beta 4 Crashed all my apps

Hello, Buzzfriends. My apps, who worked very well until iOS Beta 3, now are full of problems. I use basically the Menu with Image and PDF plugins. Even my quiz app do not work anymore. The Nav Bar don´t show the buttons, and the pdf loading screen and the quiz starting screen freezes constantly. I know that until the iOS 7 release all the problems probably will be solved, but someone else experienced this? Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 526
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Vancouver, Cana...
08/01/13 06:10 PM (11 years ago)
@Cajujoe. I upgraded my iPad 3rd Gen WiFi to iOS 7 Beta 4 a few days ago and my app (BC Tech) seems to work fine. It uses Menu with Image plugin, quiz plugin, and a few other plugins. I haven't tested it on an iPhone yet (haven't upgraded my primary iPhone 4 to iOS 7 Beta yet), so can't say if I'll have the same problems. If you like, feel free to download the app (it's free) and see if it works. What is the name of one of your apps? Maybe I can try it on my iPad with iOS 7 Beta 4. Cheers
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Nov 15, 2011
Rio de Janeiro
08/01/13 07:59 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the reply Steve. I downloaded your app and worked just fine. Beautiful interface by the way. The problem is that my apps are paid and in portuguese, so they have no use for you. I´ll wait the next beta or see if someone had the same issues. Thank you very much.
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Nov 15, 2011
Rio de Janeiro
08/01/13 08:08 PM (11 years ago)
Double post. :)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 526
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Vancouver, Cana...
08/01/13 08:36 PM (11 years ago)
@Cajujoe. Thanks :-) Glad you like it, and glad to help if I can. Cheers

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