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Code is Art
Posts: 33
Reg: Apr 04, 2012
location unknow...
08/31/13 04:22 AM (11 years ago)

APK Expansion File

Hello. So my Android project exceeds the 50MB max and I am in the situation of having to use an "APK Expansion File" for the videos and some images included in my project (ref: http://developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html#ZipLib and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11715855/steps-to-create-apk-expansion-file). NOTE: I have already done everything possible to make these files as small as they can be, and, yes, they must be included in the package and not pulled from the internet. I have gotten as far as adding the libraries to my project, but when I took the step of "Declaring user permissions" in my manifest file I suddenly have a couple dozen errors and don't know what to do next. My questions are: 1. Has anyone else gone through this process? If so, please share. 2. Why are the user permissions creating errors? 3. How do I reference the files from the plugins when they are moved out of the package to the APK Expansion File which is stored on the device's SD card?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
09/01/13 07:52 PM (11 years ago)
I've never done it. But this guy has: http://ankitthakkar90.blogspot.com/2013/01/apk-expansion-files-in-android-with.html Hope it gives some assistance and/or insight. Cheers! -- Smug

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