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Veteran developer
Posts: 79
Reg: Mar 12, 2011
09/13/13 01:39 PM (11 years ago)

IOS 7 fix for broken home button

Just upgraded my iPhone 4 to iOS 7, as its an old phone and had lots of use the home button is very iffy and rarely works when pressed. I think this is a common problem as its a manufacturing fault. So good news under settings > general > accessibility > assistivetouch > slide the slider to on. This then adds an overlay button onto the screen, which when touched pops up a dialogue button, including a shortcut for the home button amongst many other useful shortcuts. Even works on the lock screen. Basically this means the jailbreak fixes I relied on are no longer needed, and my old iphone still has useful life left in it. Nice one Apple
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
09/13/13 01:55 PM (11 years ago)
Every Time an iPhone gets broken this is the first tip I refer to :) It is MUCH easier than opening the phone and replacing parts :D
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
09/13/13 02:30 PM (11 years ago)
Yep, I use this on my iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1. Totally burns me that the physical home button doesn't work most of the time! I'd love to see a software button like on Android. Mark
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
09/13/13 02:33 PM (11 years ago)
No problems with my iOS 7 iPhone 4S. My mum's iPhone 4 (running iOS 7) is also working fine. Must just be a slight fault with yours. Maybe it broke in a drop or something. I wouldn't worry too much about it, because if it is a software issue, then just wait until the public release of iOS 7 comes out. I'm sure that most people wont have a problem. Also, would you be wanting to come along to the meet on Tuesday? I sent you an email last night.
Veteran developer
Posts: 79
Reg: Mar 12, 2011
09/13/13 04:18 PM (11 years ago)
Hey Gonorthwest, Totally didn't know it that this feature was available in 5.1 - might have save me the effort of jail breaking my iPhone. Live and learn, but still a great feature. Thomas, have just emailed you.

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