Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
12/05/18 03:57 AM (6 years ago)

Does the Core work with IOS 12?

Hey guys, does anyone know if the core we download from self server creates a bundle that will run with the latest Xcode? Do the plugins on the market, like Ultimate Screen Creator still work? Thanks
Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
12/12/18 10:02 AM (6 years ago)
Hi, some months ago I updated an older app... and was not too successful with my self-hosted source code because of many deprecated procedures. So I decided to build a skeleton on my main buzztouch.com account with the main plugins I used in this app. After downloading the source code I copied the JSON data from my self-hosted version to this downloaded version. This had the advantage of having the core (at least more) up-to-date than my self-hosted version. The main job for me had been to include some adjustments that I had made to different original plugins in the older version and bring them over to the new code (I usually modify much to much...). Finally, this worked fine and the app works fine under iOS12 and was accepted by Apple rather quickly. I don't know, however, how many iOS updates this will survive... Best wishes Thomas
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
12/13/18 02:46 AM (6 years ago)
Thank you. So the core at buzz touch is ok but some plugins will still need updating.... Thanks
Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
12/13/18 03:54 AM (6 years ago)
Yes, exactly. you have to do some minor modifications for many plugins. E. g., I purchased quite a bunch of plugins when the plugin market was not only open, but also filled with plugins of all qualities ;-). Most of these plugins are no longer available in the plugin market and when you download the source code of an app that contains those "outdates" plugins, you receive a message like "The author of this plugin has not updated the source code..." in the plugin-file. No code. What I successfully tried was to copy the source code of these plugins from an older version (including all files .h, .m, .xib) over to the new version. The "minor updates" are mainly due to the fact that the appDelegate is handled differently. In earlier versions of the code there were lines of code like (for my app "syna") //appDelegate syna_appDelegate *appDelegate = (syna_appDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; if([appDelegate.rootDevice isIPad]){...} which was a bit complicated. Now a global variable appDelegate is defined in a header file //global appDelegate reference... #define appDelegate ((syna_appDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate) ... and from now on you can simply use this variable globally in any plugin code like this if([appDelegate.rootDevice isIPad]){...} This is clearly better... but has the consequences that you have to remove all these lines of code //appDelegate syna_appDelegate *appDelegate = (syna_appDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; ... when you copy "old plugin" source code to a new project. But it is straightforward and after some minutes your are done with that problem. More complicated modifications have to do with more substantial changes to a plugin. E. g., I modified the .xib- and .m-files for the QR-Code-Reader plugin from Chris in many ways. I wanted to display the scanned code below the button etc. If such a plugin is no longer available in the market then you simply use your modified version... you should be fine. If the plugin still exists in the plugin market... ok, then you have to compare the new code and your old (but modified) code and merge your changes into the new code. Many BT members will not have touched the plugin source code at all, so this entire paragraph may not be relevant for them. Just in case... I hope this clarifies these processes... in summary it is worth trying, and if you are stuck, just send me a message. Happy coding! Thomas
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
01/29/19 10:09 AM (6 years ago)
Thank you, Thomas! I haven't tried this yet, but I need to get some apps up and running.

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