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Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
09/20/20 01:42 PM (4 years ago)

Navbar text colour and Tab Bar tints

Hi, So I've done the usual forums check, but the changing of code seems to be for older versions of BT. I used to change the NavBar text colour in appDelegate.m file around line 89 but it's not there anymore. I've gone looking and managed to change the code in BT_viewController.m file around lines 237-250 which is fine, but when you first load the app up its defaulted to black text until I refresh the app and then it changed to white. Is there another line of code that is the default before the app is refreshed? Is there a way to change the tint colour on the tab bar instead of the standard blue tint? Again i've found the code in BT_application.m file around line 309 but I can't seem to get it to change. Any help is very appreciated.
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
09/22/20 06:18 AM (4 years ago)
can you set in the 'global theme' - 'default theme' from within side you app control panel?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
09/22/20 11:43 AM (4 years ago)
Hi bonzo, Thanks for replying. I've sorted it, but I don't know if it's one or a mixture of what I did. So as far as I can see, you can't select anything in the default theme for the font colour in the Nav Bar, but in the code of BT_viewController.m (237-250) it mentions "sets the title text from the jsonVars..." so at the bottom of the global theme page you can select "Manually edit Json" I added "navBarTitleTextColor":"#FFFFFF" and re-downloaded the project as i noticed even the tab bar images I had changed where old ones, so the original code must ref the older image files but the BT control panel refs the new one and then when I refresh the app both NavBar text colour and tab bar images change. Either Xcode cache previous projects or like above as the BT panel and the downloaded code aren't exactly the same as I had changed them, it brings up the original before I refreshed the app. Probably rambling here but hopefully if anyone else wants to change the Nav Bar Text Colour then they might find this useful. And if anyone knows of how to change the tints on the Tab Bar images when selected let me know.

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