App Copier

buzztouch plugin: App Copier
By: chris1
Version: v2.1
For self-hosted users only. Transfer apps from to your self-hosted server, or make a copy of an existing app on your server!
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
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  • You did not create the plugin yourself
  • You have installed this plugin in your control panel
  • You have not reviewed this version yet
  • You promise to provide constructive and courteous feedback

2 Reviews

buzztouch Evangelist
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
  02/01/15 12:54 AM (10 years ago)
Worked like a charm!
Aspiring developer
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
San Diego
  05/18/14 06:01 PM (10 years ago)
Super useful. Only downside is for self hosted, it doesn't seem to actually copy the screens content over. It still uses the buzztouch links to point to content, so you're unable to edit on your control panel. Still have to log into BT and edit the screens there :/