v1.5 Documentation

These reference documents are designed to help you when things don't go as planned. The individual screen type documents are useful for looking up available JSON properties.

Content Screens
Settings Screens
Splash Screens
Other Actions
Location Items
Location Items are used on Map Screens. Every location on the map is an individual location item. When a a location is selected one of three things may happen. a) Nothing. b) An option to show driving directions is displayed. c) Another screen is displayed.
Sample JSON
{"itemId":"99999", "itemType":"BT_locationItem", "title":"Cool Restaurant", "subTitle":"1234 Elm Street Anytown CA", "latitude":"38.4323", "longitude":"-121.2345"}
* Required
Location Item Properties
Item Id * "itemId":"a unique id"
A unique number or string identifiying this item from all other items in the configuration file.
Item Type * "itemType":"BT_locationItem"
Used by the mobile app to determine what type of item to create.
Title * "title":"Cool Restaurant"
The text to display on the call-out bubble when the location is selected.
Sub-Title * "subTitle":"1234 Elm Street Anytown CA"
The sub-title to display on the call-out bubble when the location is selected.
Latitude * "latitude":"38.4323"
Number: The geographic latitude of the location.
Longitude * "longitude":"-121.2345"
Number: The geographic longitude of the location.
Pin Color "pinColor":"red"
Options: red, green, purple. The color of the pin to show on the map.
Load Screen "loadScreenWithItemId":"Another screen itemId"
"loadScreenWithNickname":"Another screen nickname"
"loadScreenObject":{a JSON screen object}
Set loadScreenWithItemId to "showDirections" to show the driving directions option. Or use the itemId, or the nickname, or the the JSON data for a screen or menu or feature. Only one of these three properties will be used.
Transition Type "transitionType":"flip"
Ignored if a new screen does not load when the location is selected. Leave this blank for devices default transition. Or, use one of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Sound Effect "soundEffectFileName":"ping.mp3"
Ignored if a new screen does not load when the location is selected. The sound effect file must exist in the Xcode or Eclipse project. The sound effect file must be less than 1 second in duration.