v1.5 Documentation

These reference documents are designed to help you when things don't go as planned. The individual screen type documents are useful for looking up available JSON properties.

Content Screens
Settings Screens
Splash Screens
Other Actions
Custom Plug-in
Launches a custom UIViewController (iOS) or Intent (Android) using the class name provided.
Sample JSON
{"itemId":"99999", "itemType":"BT_screen_plugIn", "itemNickname":"My Custom Screen", "classFileName":"myCustomPlugin"}
* Required
Custom Plug-In Properties
Item Id * "itemId":"a unique id"
A unique number or string identifiying this item from all other items in the configuration file.
Item Type * "itemType":"BT_screen_plugIn"
Used by the mobile app to determine what type of item to create.
Item Nickname * "itemNickname":"A unique nickname"
The nickname of the item in the buzztouch control panel.
Class File Name * "classFileName":"myCustomPlugin"
The name of the iOS UIViewController or Android Activity class file to load. Use the class name only without the .m or .java file extension. This file must exist in your Xcode or Eclipse project.
iOS: Custom UIViewControllers (plug-ins) must sub-class the BT_viewController.m parent class. This file is in the BT_Layout folder in the Xcode project.
Login Required "loginRequired":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. App must implement a Login screen.
Hide From Search "hideFromSearch":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. Hides from search results if the app implements a Search Menu screen.