v1.5 Documentation

These reference documents are designed to help you when things don't go as planned. The individual screen type documents are useful for looking up available JSON properties.

Content Screens
Settings Screens
Splash Screens
Other Actions
RSS Reader
RSS readers pull a data feed from a URL then present a list of stories (Items). Selecting an item in the list presents the story in a web-view. Not all RSS feeds output data the same way. Most RSS feeds follow the "item, title, description, link" format but not all do. Because of this, it is sometimes necessary to inspect the output of the RSS feed using a regular web-browser (view source) in order to figure out data elements to use.
Sample JSON
{"itemId":"99999", "itemType":"BT_screen_rssReader", "itemNickname":"RSS Reader", "navBarTitleText":"Nasa News", "listRowHeightSmallDevice":"68", "listRowHeightLargeDevice":"68", "listTitleHeightSmallDevice":"30", "listTitleHeightLargeDevice":"30", "dataURL":"http://www.nasa.gov/rss/breaking_news.rss", "xmlItemTagName":"item", "xmlItemTitleName":"title", "xmlItemDescriptionName":"description", "xmlItemLinkName":"link"}
* Required     * Overrides Global Theme
RSS Reader Properties
Item Id * "itemId":"a unique id"
A unique number or string identifiying this item from all other items in the configuration file.
Item Type * "itemType":"BT_screen_rssReader"
Used by the mobile app to determine what type of item to create.
Item Nickname * "itemNickname":"A unique nickname"
The nickname of the item in the buzztouch control panel.
Data URL * "dataURL":"http://www.nasa.gov/rss/breaking_news.rss"
The URL for the RSS Feed.
Status Bar, Navigation Bar
Status Bar Style * "statusBarStyle":"default"
Options: default, solid, transparent, hidden.
Navigation Bar Title "navBarTitleText":"The Screen Title"
The title text that shows in the navigation bar.
Navigation Bar Style * "navBarStyle":"solid"
Options: solid, transparent, hidden.
Navigation Bar Color * "navBarBackgroundColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color.
Left Button Text "navBarBackButtonText":"Back"
Keep this short.
Right Button Type "navBarRightButtonType":"infoLight"
Omit this property or leave the value blank for no right button.
Options: home, next, infoLight, infoDark, details, done, cancel, save, add, addBlue, compose, reply, action, organize, bookmark, search, refresh, camera, trash, play, pause, stop, rewind, fastForward
This property sets the image's type, it does not determine what happens when the button is tapped. The Right Button Load Screen is what determines what happens when the button is tapped.
Right Button Load Screen "navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenItemId":"Another screen itemId"
"navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenNickname":"Another screen nickname"
"navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenObject":{a JSON sreen object}
The itemId, or the nickname, or the the JSON data for a screen or menu or feature. Only one of these three properties will be used.
Keywords: Set the navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenItemId to "back", "home" or "showAudioControls" for special behaviors. These option will not load a screen but will perform the action associated with the keyword.
Right Button Transition Type "navBarRightButtonTapTransitionType":"flip"
Leave this blank for devices default transition. Or, use one of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Hide Bottom Tab Bar "hideBottomTabBarWhenScreenLoads":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. This property is ignored when this screen is set as the home screen for a tab or if the app does not use a tabbed layout.
List Menu, List Items
List Style * "listStyle":"plain"
Options: plain or round. Round creates rounded corners and margins around the list exposing the background color.
List Background Color * "listBackgroundColor":"clear"
Hexidecimal color or a keyword: "clear" or "stripes" (do not enter quotes).
List Rows Background Color * "listRowBackgroundColor":"#FFFFFF"
Hexidecimal color or "clear" (do not enter quotes).
List Title Text Font Color * "listTitleFontColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color. Title is line 1 of text.
List Description Text Font Color * "listDescriptionFontColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color. Description is line 2 or more of text.
List Row Seperator Color * "listRowSeparatorColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color or "clear" (do not enter quotes).
List Row Selection Style * "listRowSelectionStyle":"blue"
Options: blue, gray, none.
List Row Height Small Device * "listRowHeightSmallDevice":"50"
Numeric: The height of the list rows on small devices. Default is 50.
List Row Height Large Device * "listRowHeightLargeDevice":"50"
Numeric: The height of the list rows on large devices. Defaults is 50.
List Title Height Small Device * "listTitleHeightSmallDevice":"30"
Numeric: The height of the title in the row. If a description is used, the description height is the difference between the title height and the row height. Default is 30.
List Title Height Large Device * "listTitleHeightLargeDevice":"30"
Numeric: The height of the title in the row. If a description is used, the description height is the difference between the title height and the row height. Default is 30.
List Title Font Size Small Device * "listTitleFontSizeSmallDevice":"20"
Numeric: The font size of the title. Default is 20.
List Title Font Size Large Device * "listTitleFontSizeLargeDevice":"20"
Numeric: The font size of the title. Default is 20.
List Description Font Size Small Device * "listDescriptionFontSizeSmallDevice":"15"
Numeric: The font size of the description. Default is 15.
List Description Font Size Large Device * "listDescriptionFontSizeLargeDevice":"15"
Numeric: The font size of the description. Default is 15.
List Header Height Small Device * "listHeaderHeightSmallDevice":"10"
Numeric: The amount of space between the top of the list and the top of the screen. Default is 10.
List Header Height Large Device * "listHeaderHeightLargeDevice":"10"
Numeric: The amount of space between the top of the list and the top of the screen. Default is 10.
List Footer Height Small Device * "listFooterHeightSmallDevice":"50"
Numeric: The amount of space between the bottom of the list and the bottom of the screen. Default is 50.
List Footer Height Large Device * "listFooterHeightLargeDevice":"50"
Numeric: The amount of space between the bottom of the list and the bottom of the screen. Default is 50.
Prevent Scrolling * "preventAllScrolling":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
List Menu Icons, Images
Icon Size Small Device "listIconSizeSmallDevice":"30"
Ignored if the List Items in the menu do not use icons.
Icon Size Large Device "listIconSizeLargeDevice":"50"
Ignored if the List Items in the menu do not use icons.
Icon Size Small Device "listIconScale":"center"
Options: center or scale. If the icons (or images) are larger then the row-height, use scale. If the icons are smaller than the row-height, use center.
Apply Shiny Effect "listIconApplyShinyEffect":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. Applies a shiny-effect to the image. Use this to dress-up bland square thumbnails.
Corner Radius "listIconCornerRadius":"8"
Number. Use this to dress-up blank square thumbnails.
Header Image Layout
Header Image Small Device "headerImageNameSmallDevice":"mySmallHeader.png"
The file name of the image included in the Xcode or Eclipse project or the URL to the image. This image will be used on small devices.
Header Image Large Device "headerImageNameLargeDevice":"myLargeHeader.png"
The file name of the image included in the Xcode or Eclipse project or the URL to the image. This image will be used on large devices.
Header Image Height Small Device "headerImageHeightSmallDevice":"100"
The height of the image for small devices.
Header Image Height Large Device "headerImageHeightLargeDevice":"200"
The height of the image for large devices.
Header Image Width Small Device "headerImageWidthSmallDevice":"300"
The width of the image for small devices.
Header Image Width Large Device "headerImageWidthLargeDevice":"600"
The width of the image for large devices.
Header Image Top Position Small Device "headerImageTopPosSmallDevice":"10"
The images top margin on small devices.
Header Image Top Position Large Device "headerImageTopPosLargeDevice":"20"
The images top margin on large devices.
Header Image Corner Radius Small Device "headerImageCornerRadiusSmallDevice":"8"
Number, the radius of the images corners on small devices. Use an image with square corners then set this property to automatically apply rounded corners.
Header Image Corner Radius Large Device "headerImageCornerRadiusLargeDevice":"12"
Number, the radius of the images corners on small devices. Use an image with square corners then set this property to automatically apply rounded corners.
Header Image Scroll with List "headerImageScrollWithList":"1"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. If you want the image to remain in the header and the list to scroll under it be sure to set an appropriate listHeaderHeightSmallDevice and / or listHeaderHeightLargeDevice in the menu so the top of the list is far enough down the screen and not under the image. In these cases the list header height is usually slightly more than the height of the image.
Header Image Tap
Header Image Tap Load Screen "headerImageTapLoadScreenItemId":"Another screen itemId"
"headerImageTapLoadScreenNickname":"Another screen nickname"
"headerImageTapLoadScreenObject":{a JSON screen object}
The itemId, or the nickname, or the the JSON data for a screen or menu or feature. Only one of these three properties will be used.
Header Image Tap Transition Type "headerImageTapLoadScreenTransitionType":"flip"
Leave this blank for devices default transition. Or, use one of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Header Image Layout
Header Image Small Device "headerImageNameSmallDevice":"mySmallHeader.png"
The file name of the image included in the Xcode or Eclipse project or the URL to the image. This image will be used on small devices.
Header Image Large Device "headerImageNameLargeDevice":"myLargeHeader.png"
The file name of the image included in the Xcode or Eclipse project or the URL to the image. This image will be used on large devices.
Header Image Height Small Device "headerImageHeightSmallDevice":"100"
The height of the image for small devices.
Header Image Height Large Device "headerImageHeightLargeDevice":"200"
The height of the image for large devices.
Header Image Width Small Device "headerImageWidthSmallDevice":"300"
The width of the image for small devices.
Header Image Width Large Device "headerImageWidthLargeDevice":"600"
The width of the image for large devices.
Header Image Top Position Small Device "headerImageTopPosSmallDevice":"10"
The images top margin on small devices.
Header Image Top Position Large Device "headerImageTopPosLargeDevice":"20"
The images top margin on large devices.
Header Image Corner Radius Small Device "headerImageCornerRadiusSmallDevice":"8"
Number, the radius of the images corners on small devices. Use an image with square corners then set this property to automatically apply rounded corners.
Header Image Corner Radius Large Device "headerImageCornerRadiusLargeDevice":"12"
Number, the radius of the images corners on small devices. Use an image with square corners then set this property to automatically apply rounded corners.
Header Image Scroll with List "headerImageScrollWithList":"1"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. If you want the image to remain in the header and the list to scroll under it be sure to set an appropriate listHeaderHeightSmallDevice and / or listHeaderHeightLargeDevice in the menu so the top of the list is far enough down the screen and not under the image. In these cases the list header height is usually slightly more than the height of the image.
Header Image Tap
Header Image Tap Load Screen "headerImageTapLoadScreenItemId":"Another screen itemId"
"headerImageTapLoadScreenNickname":"Another screen nickname"
"headerImageTapLoadScreenObject":{a JSON screen object}
The itemId, or the nickname, or the the JSON data for a screen or menu or feature. Only one of these three properties will be used.
Header Image Tap Transition Type "headerImageTapLoadScreenTransitionType":"flip"
Leave this blank for devices default transition. Or, use one of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Story Web View
Load Story Transition Type "rssItemRowTapTransitionType":"fade"
Leave this blank for devices default transition. Or, use one of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Story Background Color "rssItemBackgroundColor":"#FFFFFF"
Hexidecimal color or a keyword: "clear" or "stripes" (do not enter quotes).
Story Nav. Bar Color "rssItemNavBarBackgroundColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color.
Story Nav. Bar Style "rssItemNavBarStyle":"solid"
Options: solid, transparent, hidden.
Story Left Button Text "rssItemBackButtonText":"back"
Keep this short so the text fits on a small button.
Story Browser Back Button "rssItemShowBrowserBarBack":"1"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
Story Brower Refresh Button "rssItemShowBrowserRefresh":"1"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
Story Launch in Native App Button "rssItemShowBrowserBarLaunchInNativeApp":"1"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
Story Right Button Type "rssItemNavBarRightButtonType":"infoLight"
Leave empty for no right button.
Home is a special kind of button. If the right-button-type is set to "Home" the mobile app will return to the apps home screen (or the selected tabs home screen). For all other button-types you must configure a Story Right Button Load Screen to load when the button is tapped.
Other options: home, next, infoLight, infoDark, details, done, cancel, save, add, addBlue, compose, reply, action, organize, bookmark, search, refresh, camera, trash, play, pause, stop, rewind, fastForward
Story Right Button Load Screen "rssItemNavBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenItemId":"Another screen itemId"
"rssItemNavBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenNickname":"Another screen nickname"
"rssItemNavBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenObject":{a JSON screen object}
The itemId, or the nickname, or the the JSON data for a screen or menu or feature. Only one of these three properties will be used.
Story Bottom Toolbar Style "rssItemToolBarStyle":"solid"
Options: solid, transparent.
Story Hide Botton Tab Bar "rssItemHideBottomTabBarWhenScreenLoads":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
Story Background Audio
Story Audio File Name "rssItemAudioFileName":"sample.mp3"
The file name of the audio included in the Xcode or Eclipse project or the URL to the audio on a remote server. If an rssItemAudioFileURL is used then rssItemAudioFileName should not be included. The rssItemAudioFileURL is an internet address pointing to an actual file, not an an address the loads an HTML or Flash webpage with an embedded media player. Streaming services such as ShoutCast are not officially supported but may work.
Story Audio Number of Loops "rssItemAudioNumberOfLoops":"1"
Set this to 1 to play the audio track one time. Set this to -1 to play the audio indefinitely.
Story Data XML Element Names
Item Element Name "xmlItemTagName":"item"
The name of the XML element containing an Item.
Title Element Name "xmlItemTitleName":"title"
The name of the XML element containing the title for one Item.
Description Element Name "xmlItemDescriptionName":"description"
The name of the XML element containing the description for one Item.
Link Element Name "xmlItemLinkName":"link"
The name of the XML element containing the URL for one Item.
Append Value to Link URL "xmlAppendValueToLinkURL":"?id=storyId"
Ignore this if you're unsure what it means.
Image URL Element Name "xmlItemImageName":"image"
The URL for an image associated with one Item.
Background Color, Image
Background Color * "backgroundColor":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color or a keyword: "clear" or "stripes" (do not enter quotes).
Background Color Transparency * "backgroundColorOpacity":"100"
Numeric Value: 1 - 100, 1 is totally transparent.
Background Color Gradient Top * "backgroundColorGradientTop":"#000000"
Hexidecimal color. Background gradients flow top-to-bottom and are placed "on-top" of a possible background color.
Background Color Gradient Bottom * "backgroundColorGradientTop":"#FFFFFF"
Hexidecimal color. Background gradients flow top-to-bottom and are placed "on-top" of a possible background color.
Background Image Small Device * "backgroundImageNameSmallDevice":"background-small.png"
"backgroundImageURLSmallDevice":"URL to background-small.png"
The file name of the image added to the project or the URL to the image. Background images are placed "on-top" of possible background colors. Use an image name OR a URL, not both.
Background Image Large Device * "backgroundImageNameLargeDevice":"background-large.png"
"backgroundImageURLLargeDevice":"URL to background-large.png"
The file name of the image added to the project or the URL to the image. Background images are placed "on-top" of possible background colors. Use an image name OR a URL, not both.
Background Image Transparency * "backgroundImageOpacity":"100"
Number: 1 - 100, 1 is totally transparent.
Background Image Scale * "backgroundImageScale":"center"
Options: center, fullScreen, fullScreenPreserve, top, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight.
Include Advertising
Include Advertising "includeAds":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes.
Login Required "loginRequired":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. App must implement a Login screen.
Hide From Search "hideFromSearch":"0"
Options: 0 or 1 where 1 = yes. Hides from search results if the app implements a Search Menu screen.